As a blogger, you’re probably always concerned with creating high quality, interesting content that will encourage readers to share and interact with your blog. But in the early stages of blogging, it can be difficult to know how or what you should change in order to more quickly reach your goals for content quality.Luckily, many content management systems supply visitor analytics that can give you the information you need to make tweaks to your blogs that will improve your content quality and the response you get from your readers. To know just what you should be looking for, here are three metrics you should watch that will help you know how to boost the quality of your content.
Number of Subscribers
While it’s great if you’re getting a higher and higher number of people reading your blog posts each time you update with new content, one easy way to tell if those readers are truly interested and impressed by what you’re creating is to look at the number of subscribers you’re getting. According to Magdalena Georgieva, a contributor to, the number of subscribers you’re getting to your blog can often be linked to the quality and consistency of the content you’re creating. If you’ve plateaued with subscribers, you may want to reconsider your content strategy.
Most Visited Posts
Even if you put in the same amount of time and effort into each of your blog posts, there are just some topics or writing styles that are going to connect better with your audience. By keeping an eye on the most visited posts of your blog, Roy Povarchik, a contributor to, shares that you can quickly find out what type of content or what topics perform best with your audience and then create more content in that same vein. By doing this, you will boost the quality of your blog overall to better match what it is your audience is looking for.
Time Spent On Page
Logically, it makes sense that the longer someone spends reading a blog post or perusing around your website, the greater chance you have of turning that person into a loyal follower or customer. This is why knowing how much time the average person is spending looking at your specific blog posts can help you create higher quality blogs. Will Blunt of shares that some of the main reasons for low time on page can be attributed to slow loading speeds, too many ads, not enough visual media and a few other scenarios. If you’ve noticed these things on your blog, see what you can do to eliminate them and boost the time readers spend on your pages.
Although there are a lot of good metrics and measurements to keep track of with your blog, the number of subscribers, your most popular posts, and the amount of time spent on your pages will be good indicators for whether the quality of your posts are where they should be.