Web logs, or blogs, as they’re called, have definitely changed the Internet. Once it seemed as if they were nothing more than the late-night rants of gamers or desperate cooks who needed something to do, (remember Julie and Julia?), but in today’s market content is vital to a business. According to Jayson DeMers, founder & CEO of AudienceBloom, businesses with blogs generate 67% more leads per month. People love blogs. Just as a business benefits from a blog, so too does a professional career. Keeping a personal blog has an impact on a person’s career in much the same manner. Here are four ways a blog benefits a job search or career path.
Gain Deeper Knowledge
Creating new content for a blog on a regular basis forces a person to stay up to date with the changing technology that impacts the industry. It’s important for a professional to keep reading and learning so that the readers get thoughtful posts which are well-supported. Keeping a blog demonstrates a passion and shows expertise within the industry, which is especially important when the experience on one’s resume isn’t yet enough to speak for itself.
Network with Professionals
A personal blog often contains interviews with key individuals who are making a difference in the field. They could also provide guest blogs for additional content and to reciprocate links to build a blog. This is a great way to contact people through LinkedIn or other connections and to give them a voice. Most people enjoy sharing knowledge, and it always pays to have a network of professional connections.
Develop Skills
Communicating thoughts on paper in a well-organized manner is something that practically everyone struggles with. Blogging is a way to practice presenting information succinctly and thoughtfully. When a report or presentation is due at work, the experience of blogging may even make dealing with the stresses of the job easier. Making videos for a blog encourages creative and technical skills that can be used in a career to great effect. Creating infographics, which are a hot trend in marketing this year, is a great skill to have on any resume.
Maintaining a blog teaches discipline. Readers expect new content. Set a deadline to always post a new blog at a certain time each week, and becomes second nature to know how long it takes to research and write. Demonstrate consistency to job prospects with a blog.
Build a Brand
Building a career is much like building a brand name. Blogging is a method of personal branding, according to Deborah Shane of DeborahShaneToolBox. People learn a name and associate the information that is provided on the blog with the brand. Having interesting content that people want to share grows a blog’s—and a professional’s—reach. There’s no way to know who may read an article about a new app or idea on a blog.
A blog can be part of an IT resume that clearly demonstrates professionalism and knowledge of the industry. According to Raju Woodward, a trainer with CBT Nuggets, not having a college degree can be overcome in the IT and technology fields by demonstrating training and highlighting real-world experience. Stand out with an online presence that clearly identifies a thirst for learning new information and keeping up with trends. A blog is just part of an overall package that demonstrates skill in using the available technology, which presents a person in a positive light when moving up the corporate ladder.