New Year is the perfect time for us to make resolutions because we want to become a better person. After all, as human beings, we make mistakes but the best thing is that we want to rectify them and this is the perfect time for bloggers to make New Year Resolutions. These resolutions become the base for us to follow them for the next year (or may be even more) by giving us a direction of following a constructive past. They equally become a stepping stone for bloggers to further move towards the path of success.
If due to some issues or problems, you couldn’t strictly follow resolutions with respect to previous years, then better not worry since the time has com when you not only make resolutions but equally follow them so that your blogs can do wonders in 2014. Therefore, as a blogger you create an identity of yourself as well. Hence, while reading the following article you will know the Best New Year Resolutions For Bloggers.
Provide High Quality Content
One of the best New Year Resolutions For Bloggers has come up due to the confusion which bloggers faced in 2013 as it will always be known as the year which made every blogger in a dilemma with regards to Page rank Update since it was delayed. However, suddenly on 6th December, we got the update even though head of Google’s head spam team, Matt Cutts earlier aired his thoughts about any PR update in 2013. This latest development has clearly reflected the fact that Google loves high quality content. Since, both SEO and content are an important part and one can’t overlook either of them in any way as well.
Accomplish Difficult Things When You Get Up
If you are a morning person who loves to get up early, then you should start with comparably more constructive things. Since, this is the time of the day when your mind is fresh and active and you can possibly do difficult things with comparably more ease and grace. For that matter, even if your sleeping schedule is as such that you get up late, then too it is preferred that you stick with doing the things which require comparably greater precision of mind. For example, if you are a writer, who is writing a post, then start the day with the same as you will get lots of points and ideas which you can recollect during this time. Since, your mind is still fresh and you can think to the best of your potential as well. Isn’t it great?
Give Due Time to Your Blogging Career
Another best New Year Resolution For Bloggers is that if your schedule is as such, that you couldn’t take out sufficient time for blogging for few days, compensate the same by giving extra time on other days. Ty to set five new blogging goals every morning. Believe me, these small wins will lead to nearly 2000 victories by the end of the year.
Involve Yourself Actively by Joining Forums
The world is all about establishing network and the more you enhance the same, the better it is going to be for you. Forums give you a wonderful opportunity for the same where you can address your endless problems and get a comparably more systematic approach of how to lead your blogging life. Therefore, make New Year resolution of joining them.
Market Yourself
Look at the statistics of a successful company where you will realize the immense importance of marketing as it gives you a sure-cut way of popularizing yourself. So, if you haven’t been able to market yourself well, then don’t worry. Make a new beginning by doing lots of Guest Posts on high popularity blogs. As this is a sure-cut exercise of reaching to a wide group of audience in a comparably limited amount of time. The trick for getting your guest post easily accepted is that you simply have to provide a quality post which can easily be accepted by one and all. Isn’t it great?
Have a Refreshing And Innovative Theme For Your Blog
How can you overlook the temptation of a “New theme” in a “New Year”? Therefore, install a theme according to your choice and welcome another beautiful year in your life in style.
Final Thoughts
I really wish and hope that 2013 would have been a year of prosperity and happiness. However, still if the year hasn’t been a fruitful year for you, yet you can change yourself for the better in 2014. You can start with a new beginning in the New Year as it will potentially take you to heights. After all, it is said that the “quality of your life is determined by the quality of your thoughts”. So think positively with a new zeal, excitement, motivation, positivity and happiness and take the world in your stride. So, what are you waiting for?