You’ve always been a car buff. From pistons to custom hubcaps, you know the finest details of any make and model of car or truck. You’ve even been under the hood of numerous cars, switching out parts and tweaking for optimal performance. Instead of letting all that automotive knowledge go to waste, you thought that it might be time to help others gleam some gems from your years of experience by starting your own blog. You could start your readers off with a blow-by-blow feature about the hot rod you are building from scratch out. Eager readers would love to know everything from where you ordered the engine to how you installed those cool-looking black leather seats. There is just one problem. Although you know everything about cars and trucks, you’ve never been handy with a computer. You could probably figure out how to get a WordPress site up and running. You might even be able to pump out a lot of great content for your readers. When it comes to making your blog popular, that is totally outside your realm of expertise.
Expanding Your Blog
Despite your initial concerns, you take to blogging and things seem to be going well. You are having loads of fun posting articles and pictures detailing your progress on the hot rod project. Unfortunately, only 12-people are visiting your blog. That is hardly the sizable readership you had hoped to attract. In order to expand the influence your blog has, it is important to take two simple steps. First, you must ping articles every time you write and post them. Pinging allows major search engines to know immediately that you have a new blog article that needs indexing and ranked. Blogs that fail to take advantage of this tactic end up with very little traffic. The second thing you must do is social bookmark your articles. Nothing tells the rest of the world that you have content that others need to read like getting article after article featured on a social bookmarking site. To maintain a strong readership, you need to make sure that your content is quality content. Many social bookmarking sites are starting to demand that content be professionally written to weed out lesser quality authors.
Interviews Are Golden
You may not realize it, but there are probably a lot of amazing car-aficionados in your area. Their undiscovered talent and expertise is great material to help your blog appear professional. Interviewing these individuals helps to establish your blog as an authority site with a lot of credibility. According to an article on, using interviews on a blog site not only produces valuable content, but this type of content is more likely to be shared by visitors to your blog. It is believed that interviews help to make an ordinary blog wildly popular, because an interview provides an audience with timeless content. In addition, an interview allows the reader to get up close and personal with the individual being interviewed. It gives people a glimpse into what others are involved with and how they are bringing innovation to a topic like building a car from limited means and parts. Your readers want to get lost in all the juicy details. A successful blog will aim to deliver on that front.