Whether you’re writing a post for your own blog or one to get posted as a guest post, you want to put the same care and attention into what you write. You obviously want to share well researched, usable posts with information readers want to read on your own blog.
Other bloggers want the same for their blogs, and you don’t want your byline and link on something subpar to what you normally write. In order to write the best works you can, here are some tips to make sure that you put everything into your blog post possible to make it shine.
Start With The Perfect Title
Your title needs to be catchy and it needs to inform the reader about what they are getting ready to read. If a title doesn’t say enough about the content of an article and isn’t catchy enough to catch someone’s eye then it isn’t going to be read as much as another article.
You can find tons of tips online about the best types of title, from making it a “How To” or a “Top Ten Best.” How many times have you clicked on one of those social media links simply because the title said you wouldn’t believe one of the items in the list. People fall for it all the time.
You don’t just want a gimmicky title though. You want it to have as much substance in that few words as you will have great substance throughout the entire article.
Make Your Introduction Shine
Just as important as your title is, so is your first sentence and your entire first paragraph. Answer the question that people want answered in your first paragraph, and then delve into how you got to that answer throughout the rest of your article. Make sure to share credible links to the sites you’ve used to confirm your answer.
Don’t Forget Links
Not only are links important on your own blog, showing where you’ve gotten your info and statistics from, but they are also a must when you are doing guest blogs. You want to include a link to your own blog in your article, which is meant to direct readers back to your relevant information on the topic. You may also want to link to the hosting blog somewhere within as well.
Research Your Topic Well
Not the least of all, people want to read content that they have seen in a million places already. And if you are covering something already well covered then make sure you find some kind of spin to put on it and make it so that it is still offering them something new.
It also helps to break your content up with subcategories if your post ends up lengthy. This helps make it easier on readers and also allows them to jump back to points that interested them the most. Put just as much of this care in guest posts as you do your own posts and you will be asked to blog for others more often.