Affiliate marketing has been a very useful way to earn few extra bucks in case if you have your website or blog. This Affiliate program through which one can earn money is called the Amazon Associates which allows you to earn around 4% on every purchase that has been made through a list which is posted on your site. A thing to know is that you can even make money out of your hobby be it pet keeping, handicrafts or even fishkeeping. Yes! You can earn decent money to clear few bills from your hobby of fishkeeping, and there are many sites which have been doing the same efficiently. For example, visit the 55 gallon fish tank site to get a brief idea about. But, how do we start making money out of fishkeeping if you ask, here’s how:
How To Make Money With Amazon Affiliate Program From Your Fishkeeping Hobby
Start a Blog about Fish Keeping: The best Affiliates are the ones who add links to the website that has quality content on the site. Consider creating a site on the fish using a WordPress platform or a Blogger platform and start adding interesting content about fish in order to develop followers who are interested in the same niche.
Set up a Fish site: Business websites are more likely to earn through Affiliate programs than the regular sites. Therefore, it’s better if you can build a professional website about Fishkeeping that recommends various products more like a non-profit site which suggests users about the best quality products regarding the Fish Keeping.
Create a Facebook Page: To improve search engine ranking for your site and to make the readers get a broad view about the Fish Keeping hobby, you should start with sharing about it on social media accounts. As Facebook is one of the most growing social media networks in the contemporary world, you can start with posting the Amazon links of the Fish Keeping products by creating a Facebook page.
Post everything about Fish Keeping: Garnering your readers with content is important in an Amazon Affiliate program. Therefore, keep posting relevant content about Fish Keeping few times in a week like how to maintain a fish tank, what kind of wish one should buy and about the ecosystems of the fish tanks.
Signup as an Amazon Associate: Once you are sure that you have adequate followers, go to to start the business. Read the information and understand what kind of fish keeping products are eligible to get paid including the commissions, advertising fees that vary from product to product. Give your address: After making sure that you have signed up login with your credentials including the username and the password. Select the permanent address to which the payment has to be sent.
Fill the information: Entering your site details is very important. In the affiliate page, fill out the details like site address, traffic of the site along with the online monetization. You have to give the site links that you are using to post the Amazon product links. Verify the identity and get going.
Select the products: Now, open the Amazon’s Central of Associates and then choose the Fish specific products that come in the domain of fish keeping in the blog. Use the filter of “Bestseller” to find the most prominent fish keeping products like fish tanks, filtration systems according to the category and include them in your site.
Post the Product link: After choosing a specific product, you have to write about it in the form of bulk text or can choose to post a picture detailing out about the product depending on your priority. After doing that, post it inside your site as an article. You can try using the site stripe of the Amazon Associates, which acts like a toolbar and is located at the top to get the product links that you want to insert. Get idea about the best 55 gallon fish tanks from here.
Increase Profits: Optimizing the earnings is important and for that, posting content on regular basis is required. You can start with reviewing different products, writing the features of new products along with pros and cons. You can also incorporate indirect recommendations instead of selling things out directly in the websites to the readers for more profits.
Use Referral Links: Lastly, send the referral links to everyone using email or other social media networks to receive commission on their purchase except your own. A referral link will stay active for 24 hours and anyone who purchases the product using that link will likely contribute to the commission you acquire from the Amazon Affiliate program.
Therefore, earning through Amazon Affiliate from fishkeeping hobby may seem complicated but not entirely rocket science. All you need to do is know about the Fish Keeping business in detail in the start and then accordingly proceed by building a high quality blog about it and adding the Amazon Fish related product links to it. Do you find this article “How To Make Money With Amazon Affiliate Program From Your Fishkeeping Hobby” helpful? Then what are you waiting for? Start your affiliate site now.